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Lisa Z. Hauser is a Partner at Comiter Singer Baseman & Braun in Palm Beach Gardens, Florida. Ms. Hauser handles matters involving estate planning, estate and trust administration, federal income tax, guardianship administration, probate and state taxation. She serves a wide range of clients in Palm Beach Gardens and throughout the state.
Ms. Hauser has been licensed to practice law since 1995 and has more than 20 years of legal experience. She earned a bachelor?s degree and a master?s degree from the University of Florida and received her law degree from the University of Florida Levin College of Law, graduating with honors.
In addition to running her practice, Ms. Hauser is a former instructor at Florida Atlantic University?s continuing education program. She has also authored and co-authored articles that have appeared in publications including The Florida Bar Journal and the Estate Tax Planning Advisor.
Actively involved in her legal and professional communities, Ms. Hauser is a member of the Palm Beach County Bar Association and the Florida Association for Women Lawyers. She also belongs to the probate, real property and tax sections of The Florida Bar.
Ms. Hauser serves in leadership positions with various community groups. She sits on the board of directors of the Learning Center at the Els Center of Excellence and previously served as president and secretary of the organization. She is a member of the Jewish Federation of Palm Beach County?s leadership division and a former secretary and treasurer of the Palm Beach Tax Institute.