O'Dell O'Neal Hungerford & Blanchard
Marietta Georgia 30060
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A partner at O'Dell, O'Neal, Hungerford, and Blanchard Attorneys, Leslee C. Hungerford divides her practice among family law, estate planning and administration, and general civil litigation. Located in Marietta, Georgia, she provides representation to individual and business clients throughout the state. Ms. Hungerford has been admitted to practice before all Georgia state courts since 2013.
In her family and domestic law practice, Ms. Hungerford primarily furnishes advice and counsel to people whose marriages are coming to an end and who are thus having to deal with such divorce-related legal issues as child custody and visitation, the division of complex assets and debts, and alimony and child support. A forceful courtroom advocate when litigation is necessary, she often is able to help them reach an accord on some or all of these matters through negotiations or other forms of alternative dispute resolution. Ms. Hungerford has also represented clients whose marriages have already been legally dissolved and who are now seeking the enforcement of or modifications to existing parenting and support court orders, and she has prepared and reviewed prenuptial and post-marital agreement.
Ms. Hungerford also assists clients in their estate planning endeavors. She works with them on the preparation and review of wills, revocable and irrevocable trusts, financial and health care powers of attorney, and advance medical directives. Ms. Hungerford additionally has guided beneficiaries through what can often be a confusing and lengthy probate process.
As an undergraduate, Ms. Hungerford attended Auburn University, where she majored in psychology and received a Bachelor of Arts in 2009. She then pursued her legal education at Samford University's Cumberland School of Law, and she served as an editor on the American Journal of Trial Advocacy before being awarded her Juris Doctor cum laude in 2013.