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An elder law and estate planning attorney, Lori L. Guzman is part of the Guzman Law Firm, P.A., representing the people of Minnesota. Ms. Guzman?s focus includes estate planning and probate, guardianship and conservatorship, special and supplemental needs trusts, planning for incapacity, and providing assistance and advice about government benefit eligibility for seniors and those with disabilities.
As a parent of a daughter who was medically fragile with multiple disabilities, Ms. Guzman has a unique understanding of what families deal with in these situations. While providing for her special needs daughter, she became extremely informed about federal and state law, state and local agencies, and the many challenges that come when finding support and services for those who live with disabilities.
Ms. Guzman graduated summa cum laude with a Bachelor of Arts from the University of St. Thomas. She then attended the William Mitchell College of Law and obtained a Juris Doctor, graduating magna cum laude. The Elder Law Section of the Minnesota State Bar Association awarded her the Mary Alice Gooderl Award for her many contributions to the practice of elder law in the state.
Ms. Guzman was appointed by the governor to serve on a committee for persons with disabilities, known as Minnesota?s Early Intervention Committee. She is a regular presenter on matters of elder law, supplemental needs trusts, guardianship and conservatorship, and long-term care planning for other attorneys in continuing legal education courses.
A former member of the board of directors for organizations such as the PACER Center and Arc Minnesota, she also served on the elder law section?s governing council within the Minnesota State Bar Association, including two terms as its Chair, and taught for over 10 years as an adjunct professor at William Mitchell College of Law.