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Lindsay J. Wells serves clients of Rogness & Field, P.A., as a family law and estate planning attorney. She lives in the Twin Cities and works with clients across Minnesota. Over the years, she has built an impressive record of service via her work with the Washington County Public Defender?s Office, Tubman Family Alliance Center and the William Mitchell College of Law?s Child Protection Clinic. Her experience at these organizations helped her develop a deeper understanding of family law and the underlying psychological considerations of the families involved.
Ms. Wells started her undergraduate studies at the University of Wisconsin?Madison. While earning her B.A., she was a member of the Students for Family and Children. She also served as the social or initiation chair for the Phi Upsilon Omicron Honor Society. She then went on to complete her J.D. at William Mitchell College of Law. During this time, she held several leadership positions, such as treasurer of the Elder Law and Estate Planning Society. She has been licensed to practice in Minnesota since 2013. She is also admitted to practice in the U.S. District Court for the District of Minnesota.
When tackling family law and estate planning cases, Ms. Wells works closely with her clients to find amicable solutions. She understands that maintaining the peace, whenever possible, can eliminate litigation, speed up the process and save her clients money. With this goal in mind, she has provided mediation services to help family law clients avoid courtroom proceedings as much as possible. In estate planning cases, she helps families craft unique solutions that meet their needs.
Ms. Wells has served as a volunteer mediator at Ramsey County Volunteer Mediation Program. She has also maintained several memberships at law organizations over the years including the Washington County Bar Association and Minnesota State Bar Association.