Law Office of Daniel Jurkovic, PC
Rutherford New Jersey 07070
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An elder law attorney with the Law Office of Daniel Jurkovic, PC, Daniel J. Jurkovic represents clients in the northern part of New Jersey. His practice is focused on matters of Medicaid qualification, estate and trust planning, guardianship, estate and Medicaid planning, and special needs planning. An experienced litigator, he has served as lead counsel in front of the New Jersey Supreme Court, and has represented the National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys and the Guardianship of New Jersey, Inc.
The National Elder Law Foundation named him a Certified Elder Law Attorney, and the certification was approved by the American Bar Association and the New Jersey Supreme Court. Mr. Jurkovic graduated from Cornell University with his Master of Science in Industrial and Labor Relations with a focus on Negotiating Strategy. At Elisabeth Haub School of Law at Pace University, he studied for his Juris Doctor and also received a certificate in Health Law Policy.
Mr. Jurkovic is actively involved in his community in both civic and social organizations. He is also a member of the National Business Institute, the New Jersey Institute for Continuing Legal Education, the Lorman Education Services and the New Jersey State Bar Association. With two decades of experience, he is highly qualified to handle the most complex estate planning issues.
Elder law and estate planning are important matters to everyone, no matter what age. Mr. Jurkovic works to protect the elderly by helping them understand their choices and determine which ones are the best for them. From the transfer of assets to disability planning, he understands all elder law matters and the intricacies of the court system when it comes to the aging.