Military Service: United States Marine Corps, 1967-1969 (service in Vietnam as a member of the 26th Marine Regiment, saw combat during the Tet Offensive).
Court Admissions: New York State; United States Supreme Court; United States Tax Court; United States International Court of Trade; United States Courts of Appeals for the Second and Fifth Circuits; United States District Courts for the Eastern, Southern, Western, and Northern Districts of New York, the Connecticut District, the Northern District of California, the Northern District of Texas, and the Eastern District of Kentucky.
Articles about Pro Bono Work ? Donor Profile: John Lang. Inside Children's Rights Fall 2008:7. - A description of John Lang's contributions to child welfare reform. ? Settlement Reached in Mississippi Child Welfare Suit. The Clarion Ledger 8 Nov. 2007. - Reporting on child welfare class action in Mississippi. ? Public Interest Projects, by Thomas Adcock. New York Law Journal 4 Aug. 2006 - Referencing John Lang's pro bono work as lead counsel. ? Lives That Legal Angels Saved, by Susan Littwin. Corporate Board Member Magazine 8.4: Jul/Aug 2005 - Discussing John Lang's child welfare advocacy.