213 5th Ave N Ste 300 Nashville, Tennessee, 37219-1908 United States
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Write About You And Your Law Firm
Middle Tennessee State University, B.S. ? 1995
Nashville School of Law, J.D. ? 2000
University of Miami (FL) - Heckerling Institute on Estate Plannimg - 2011
Admitted to practice in the State of Tennessee, 2000
Admitted to practice before the U.S. District Court, Eastern Tennessee District, 2007
Admitted to practice before the U.S. District Court, Middle Tennessee District, 2016
Admitted to practice before the U.S. District Court, Western Tennessee District, 2018
City Judge for Athens, Englewood, and Niota Tennessee 2000-2006
Candidate for 10th Judicial District Criminal Court Judge 2006
President of the McMinn-Meigs Bar Association 2002-2003
President of the McMinn County Young Republicans 2002
President of the Eta Gamma Chapter of Sigma Chi 1994
National Organization of Social Security Claims Representatives 2009-2016