Jamie founded Phinney Estate Law in 2007as a way of addressing a need she saw in the community for affordable,values-based estate planning and as a way to develop a legal practicethat was consistent with her own values and legal philosophy. Beforefounding Phinney Estate Law Jamie worked as a litigation associate atCozen O?Connor, as an attorney advisor for the U.S. Department ofJustice, and as legal intern for Northwest Immigration Rights Projectand Northwest Justice Project.
@newlineJamiebegan her work in estate law in 2005 as a pro bono attorney with KingCounty Volunteer Attorneys for Persons with HIV/AIDS (VAPWA). Shefound that she enjoyed the opportunity to help clients with theplanning process and and the chance to think creatively with theseclients to address the unique needs of their situations. She alsoappreciated the opportunity to work with clients to avoid conflicts.
@newlineIn addition to her work with VAPWA, Jamie also does pro bono work and/orworked for non-profits providing clients with assistance withimmigration petitions, naturalization, applications for publicbenefits, and family law cases. She continues to devote 25% of herpractice to pro bono work and free community education. As part ofthat service, Jamie serves as a volunteer attorney facilitator for theex-party probate and guardianship calendar in King County.
@newlineSincefounding Phinney Estate Law, Jamie has had the opportunity to work withindividual or families in a variety of situations. She has worked withnewlyweds, young families, single business owners, blending families,the terminally ill, and non-married clients. It is her experience thateach family, no matter how traditional or non-traditional, is trulyunique and, once you get to know them, have unique needs.
@newlineWhenshe is not working, Jamie volunteers her time to a number of localcommunity groups including the Seattle Milk Fund, Phinney EcoVillage,Phinney-Greenwoood Climate Change Action Now, and the Greenwood ArtsCouncil and is the elected Democratic PCO for her neighborhood. She is a practicing Quaker with the Salmon BayFriends Circle. She also enjoys spending time with her family andfriends and loves spending a much time as possible enjoying theoutdoors. She is in three book clubs and is always looking for a goodbook. She also carves and prints block prints which can occasionally be seen in shops and coffee house in the Phinney-Greenwood neighborhood.
@newlineJamieis a member of the Washington State Bar Association sections on Probateand Elder Law. She is also a member of the King County Bar Associationsections on Probate and Elder Law. She currently serves as the Co-Chair of the KingCounty Bar Association Collaborative LawSection and the leader of the Long Term Planning Working Group of the Northwest GBLT Senior Services Network. She is also a member of the International Holistic Lawyer?sAssociation.